The following page contains the award criteria that the staff use for ACR and Sunset. This is a combined list for both parades. Please have a read through so that you and your parents will have a better understanding of the awards.
Squadron Awards
All Annual Trophies and Annual
Awards remain the property of the Squadron. These trophies/awards may be
presented at the Annual Mess Dinner or at the Annual Ceremonial Review.
Cadets who receive Annual Trophies
and Awards will receive a keeper trophy, which represents the Annual
Trophy/Award. The actual trophy will remain at the squadron. A plaque will be
affixed to the trophy bearing the name of the winner and the year.
The Administrations Officer shall
coordinate trophy production requirements.
In order to recognize the achievements of Squadron cadets, a number of awards are presented annually to deserving cadets. They are as follows:
Cpl Don Irwin Memorial Trophy for Cadet of the Year | To be presented to the cadet, usually a senior NCM, who demonstrates: The highest standard of drill, dress and deportment; Who has a perfect attendance record for mandatory parades; A minimum of 80% attendance for optional activities and fundraisers; and Who exemplifies the qualities of leadership and instructional ability expected of the top cadet The Squadron Cadet commander is not eligible for this award The recipient of this award is selected by Officers, Staff and SSC Chair |
Commanding Officers’ Citation | – |
Cadet Commanders’ Plaque | Presented to the Warrant Officer First Class/Squadron Cadet Commander. The plates have the names of each cadet appointed to the position and the dates for which the appointment was held. |
F/Sgt. Scott Award for Excellence and Tenacity | Presented to any cadet who shows well-above average dedication to the squadron by going beyond the duties and responsibilities for their position, using their initiative and demonstrating their leadership so as to improve the quality of squadron training/activities and increase the motivation and esprit de corps of the Squadron The recipient of this award is selected by Officers, Staff and SSC Chair |
Cadet – Comradeship Award | Best cadet who is always willing to help other cadets, shares friendship, encourages others to participate, constantly shows support for fellow cadets. |
Top Junior NCM | Presented to the Junior NCM (Cpl or FCpl) for demonstrating the best developed leadership ability and highest standard of dress, deportment and personal drill when compared to his or her peers. The recipient of this award is selected by the Officers and NCM’s. |
Top First Year Cadet | Presented to the Level One cadet as the best in his or her level. PO Check Marks, uniform standard, deportment, personal drill, attendance and motivation are all to be considered in the awarding of this trophy. It should be remembered that this award is for the best overall achievement. The recipient of this award is selected by the NCM’s and approved by the Commanding Officer |
Top Cadet in Aviation Studies | Presented to the cadet who achieves the highest mark out of all squadron candidates who participated in the flying scholarship program. |
Best Uniformed Cadet | Presented to the cadet who demonstrates the highest standards in uniform preparation and personal deportment. Warrant officers are not eligible for this award. The recipient of this award is selected by the Officers and Warrant Officers. |
Top Shot | Presented to the cadet who achieves the highest overall score on a single target shoot in that training year. |
Most Improved Shot | Presented to the cadet who shows the best overall improvement in target scores and shooting technique. The recipient of this award is selected by the Range Safety Officer. |
LCol R F Gowing Award for Top Aerospace Cadet | The recipient of this award is selected by the CYDC Aerospace Education Staff. |
Cadet Youth Development Centre Award | Cadet with the highest Performance in Citizenship and Community Service The recipient of this award is selected by the 822 Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). |
Most Improved Cadet | The cadet showing the greatest personal improvement during the current training year The recipient of this award is selected by the Commanding Officer, Officers and Staff. |
Thomas Joordens Memorial Award (NATO) |
Presented to a cadet under the rank of sergeant, who continually strives to improve through tenacity, determination, and never give up attitude no matter what the situation. |
and Regional Awards
National and regional awards such
as the Cadet Medal of Bravery, Lord Strathcona Medal, Legion Medal of
Excellence, Canadian Cadet Scholarship, etc. shall be awarded to deserving
personnel as outlined in applicable regulations.
Recommendations for such awards
shall be forwarded to the CO for consideration.